“The LORD is sitting in His sacred temple on His throne in heaven. He knows everything we do because He sees us all.” (Psa_11:4, CEV).
There is no snooze button anywhere in the proximity of God – and that’s everywhere! He is the Unsleeping God; He never dozes off in slumber, nor drifts away in idle daydreams. He is always on the job, and always in charge. He is the God who can handle it.

He is the God who can handle it.
The Psalm goes on to tells us, “He’s in charge, as always, His eyes taking everything in, His eyelids unblinking, examining Adam’s unruly brood inside and out, not missing a thing.” (Psa_11:4, The Message).
God does not sit in heaven wringing His hands in anxious concern over the alarming state of affairs in our baffled world — He’s in charge. He is not clueless to the scheming of godless people who seek to build a society without His blessings – He’s in charge. And He is not rattled by the bloated plans of overheated brains for how we here can save ourselves, needing no help from heaven whatsoever. He’s in charge – and He can handle it.
So, whatever it is that’s going on in your life, know this for certain – it is well within His reach. He can handle it. That’s why you need to let Him.
When doubts arise and fears dismay, when foes oppose you and friends forsake you; when the bottom drops out and you are left holding an empty bag, and your castles all crumble while your dreams turn to ashes – He is the God who can handle it.
Trust Him, and hold tight to your faith in His faithfulness – for He will see you through it all. And when the storm passes, as it surely will, the new day will be filled with His presence, and with the endless possibilities He provides for you.
While others around you are falling in fear – you stand firm, trusting the Lord. He is the God who can handle it.