Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Moses Russell and the Ten Dollar Miracle (Part 1)

"Your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask Him!" (Matthew 6:8, Living Bible).

One of my earliest learning experiences in faith came in the strangest of ways. Belinda and I were struggling in Denver to launch a street ministry; it wasn't going well at all. After about a year, we decided to pull out and reboot the system. Packing up what little we possessed and putting it into the trunk of our worn out car was relatively easy.

Closing out our meager checking account would be a little more challenging.

Turns out our records and the bank record didn't match, due to an unseen charge the bank has assessed to our account. We were ten dollars short. That doesn't sound like much today, but in those tight times it was huge.

I complained at the bank -- it was pointless. I complained along the highway, with only Belinda hearing my frustrated rants. It, too, was pointless. Finally I hushed and simply simmered internally over the unfairness of it all. Again, pointless.

We were on our way from Denver back to Texas, but were going to pass through Kim, Colorado -- a ranching community in the southeast corner of the state. A friend pastored a church there and asked me to preach on our way through.

You can imagine my bewilderment when, after turning off the Interstate and driving on a state road for over an hour -- the pavement suddenly ended. No more road. Nothing in front of us but a gravel swath going through a pasture filled with cows. We couldn't turn back, because we were almost out of gas and wouldn't be able to make it. So onward we went. On and on and on, with the gas gauge dropping by the minute.

(to be continued tomorrow....)

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